
Upcoming BM-ICCC Competition Topics

The Brown-Mosten ICCC Board of Directors is pleased to share with the National Representatives the topic for the upcoming 2025 BM-ICCC competition to be hosted by the University of Glasgow School of Law 9-12 April 2025. The 2025 topic shall be Consumer Contracts.

The Board has also tentatively decided topics for the 2026 and 2027 competitions. The 2026 topic shall be Use of Land and the 2027 topic shall be Theft. These determinations remain subject to change as these competitions approach. These decisions were made based on feedback received from a survey of the National Representatives and in consultation with our competition administration team. Please share this information widely.


David Cruickshank

It is with great sadness that we mourn the sudden loss of David Cruickshank, an initial founder of BM-ICCC.

In addition to an illustrious career as a law professor and international legal practice consultant, David was a moving force in establishing our international law student competition for client interviewing and counseling.

Before Canada established its own independent national competition, Canada participated in the annual US Client Counseling Competition sponsored by the American Bar Association.  (This is much like the way Wales participated in the English national competition prior to its recent independent national status). David not only coached his own students but was elected Chair of the American Competition as well.  In 1986, David, Larry Teply, and Sir Geoffrey Bindman were the key founders of the initial international competition in 1986 with the three charter countries: Canada, England/Wales, and the US.

David was virtually a one person Canadian host committee holding the competition in Vancouver, British Columbia on several occasions. David’s wise participation and leadership in our international competition was a major factor in our growth and success.

Our friend, Professor John Wade offers a personal perspective of his relationship with David.  John is one the world’s most accomplished mediators and scholars who taught at Sydney University and Bond University in Australia before retiring to grandparenthood and competitive senior tennis in Vancouver. John was one of the initial Australian observers of ICCC in Portland in 1992 that led to the establishment of the Australian National Competition and Bond University hosting ICCC in 1997 as well as the expansion of the competition in neighboring New Zealand.

-Forrest Mosten, July 2024


2025 BM-ICCC Announcement

The Brown-Mosten ICCC Board of Directors is pleased to share that the 2025 BM-ICCC will be hosted by the University of Glasgow School of Law! Please plan to attend the competition in Glasgow, Scotland, 9-12 April 2025.